Geekisms! What about it?
Hello there!
Welcome to my new blog, Geekisms! This is my second attempt at blogging and I intend to apply all i've learnt from my previous attempt into making this a much better blog (the first one is a bit of a dud). So first of all some introductions:
What is Geekisms! all about?
According to the Collins Dictionary website, Geekism (noun) is 'a preoccupation with subjects that are generally considered as unfashionable or boring'. In other words, a preoccupation with subjects that would only interest geeks.
That is the simply the aim of this blog, promoting stuff that will interest geeks, be it news stories, event, movies, songs, novels, games, whatever. I plan for this blog to be a content rich experience for all who visit, geeks or not, and trust me when I say there's a geek in every one of us.
So dive in! and enjoy the show/ride/experience.